
Showing posts from May, 2022

Don't Call me Me BAME!

  Among the Palestinians, whether they are from the occupied Palestine or the diaspora, there are those who are pure Palestinian origin and there are who are of mixed race; you will find amongst them a variety of people with brown eyes, just like the colour of the Palestinian soil in the Holy Land, or black like the colour of the darkness of the night, or the blue colour of the sea, or the green colour of the meadows dressed up by the beautiful spring coat. Some of them have black, brown, red, or blond hair colour. There are who are tall, short, and middle stature. There are Palestinians with a beautiful skin colour, tanned after their skin is kissed by the sun, and those who are either with a darker or lighter beautiful skin colour. We have the heavenly religions, the Abrahamic religions and we do not call ourselves BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic), we do not use categories or labels. In 2019 I came across the term BAME, and I was not happy about it. I remember growing u

I see you... And I am stronger than you think.

  I am proud of what we have done, and I usually look for quality, not quantity. And although there is double standards, hypocrisy, and public preference between Palestinians and other victims of wars, I was expecting that there would be no presence at this event, I know that, and the truth is that others know that too. Still, I insisted that I hold this gathering, which I knew would be attended by a small number - with the help of some People which you can count on the fingers of one hand – to mark the memory of the Nakba, which has been going on for 74 years.   Let everyone know that the Palestinians will continue to struggle, with or without the crowds. Whoever claims they support us and will stand for us and then does not then help, it shows they are just playing politics for show and do not truly mean it. You can’t fool me, I was born to this sort of behaviour, I know what is real and what is just sham. For example… There are those who claimed that they would come, and t