I see you... And I am stronger than you think.


Speaking at The Nakba Day Gathering

I am proud of what we have done, and I usually look for quality, not quantity.

And although there is double standards, hypocrisy, and public preference between Palestinians and other victims of wars, I was expecting that there would be no presence at this event, I know that, and the truth is that others know that too.

Still, I insisted that I hold this gathering, which I knew would be attended by a small number - with the help of some People which you can count on the fingers of one hand – to mark the memory of the Nakba, which has been going on for 74 years.  

Let everyone know that the Palestinians will continue to struggle, with or without the crowds. Whoever claims they support us and will stand for us and then does not then help, it shows they are just playing politics for show and do not truly mean it. You can’t fool me, I was born to this sort of behaviour, I know what is real and what is just sham.

For example… There are those who claimed that they would come, and they did not show up, and others said it is Sunday and not a Saturday and others that were too busy, and some said they never received the invitation and others that it was too far. I can tell who was genuine, and who was insulting, and who was just repeating the typical lies, and yet I was not disappointed, because I know every person and their policies in this small town.

I invited a local Plaid Cymru politician who did not even bother to reply to the invitation to speak. Surprising given they represent a country that too knows what it is like to be in a state of occupation. They read the message, I know they did, but there was no reply. So disrespectful and rude, is it because I am a woman? Or Palestinian? Or perhaps it is because I am not part of the hot topic at the moment.

I left it up to them to show their humanity. The Palestinian cause is too big to allow their lack of humanity to divert it. Those that helped did what was within their capacity to do and within their humanity to show support for Palestine.

Despite the modest attendance, which was mostly from the Arab Islamic Women's Gathering and a few other comrades and stalwarts, there was a lot of support and offers to volunteer for any upcoming activity of the Palestinian Refugee Project, concerning Palestine and the Palestinians in the Diaspora. 

I did not regret that people did not attend our Nakba gathering, as I said earlier, but what surprised me was that the gathering was near Aberystwyth castle, and it was a sunny warm day, and as is usual in such an atmosphere there were lots of people who were enjoying the day. They showed a surprising lack of curiosity as none of them approached us or made an inquiry even after we started giving our speeches. Is it because that there was just the Palestinian flag and no other? Or should we Palestinians start polishing the apples of our masters just so people see us as worthy of support?

Children wave the Palestinian Flag

However, I will look on the bright side and I am looking forward to the coming events for Palestine and how we will make sure they are prepared ahead of time and we will be better prepared as a result.

My family and thousands of others like them were forced out of Palestine 74 years ago and we live the ongoing Nakba daily, it is not making us weaker, in fact, it is making us stronger, and we will keep resisting the actions of our oppressors. And our voices will grow and grow and spread worldwide and people will listen to us start to ignore the spin and the lies and listen to the truth.

Nakba Day Aberystwyth




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