This young boy bids farewell to his brother; as a matter of fact, he is saying see you soon after the whole world has failed to protect and save them from the prison of Gaza, where they were born and murdered. This is one of the many prisons made by the zionists inside occupied Palestine; it is considered the worst.
Drowning in a Sea of Rubbish
The refuse problem has always been an issue on the Palestinian Refugee camps, but recently it's been getting worse and worse. If you step outside the camps and into Lebanon itself you will see that there is a general issue with rubbish, there are very few collections and it really does pile up everywhere, but on the camps, there is no where else for it to go so it is piling up and is starting to cause massive health risks. The smell is unbearable, the piles are drawing pests and swarms of insects and flies and it won't be long until there is a serious health problem on the camps. UNRWA does what it can but they seem oblivious to what is going on regarding this serious issue. An incinerator on the camps would be ideal, not only would it deal with the waste issue but it would generate much needed electricity to meet the shortfall on the camps and make them more self sufficient. This video gives you more of an impression as to what the actuality is on the camps. Cou...
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